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XGNB-W Computer Hydrostatic Pressure Tester

2024-12-25 15:02 havePeople browsing 小编

classificationNo-metal Testing Machine

productXGNB-W Computer Hydrostatic Pressure Tester




phone 13969111546

Application: This machine is especially used for short-time hydraulic failure an...



This machine is especially used for short-time hydraulic failure and resistance to constant internal pressure test of high pressure oil pipe,PVC,PE.PP.PEX pipe,ABS composite pipe and others.

Comply with ISO 1167, GB6111,ASTM D1598, ASTM D1599GB/T15560, ISO9080, GB 18252CJ/T108-1999, ASTM F1335 and so on.

Technical specification

1. Working pressure: 36101621Mpa

2. Testing station: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 stations (Decided by end users test request)

3Pressure control accuracy: ±1%(Maximum±0.001 Mpa)

4. The pressure value resolution: 0.001 Mpa,

5Temperature uniformity: ≤±1

6Timer display accuracy: 1s

7Power supply: three phases, suitable for both 380VAC and 220VAC.

8. Accessories:

1). Mainframe and Pressure system connection line                    

2). Mainframe power connection line                             

3). Communication line                         

4). Output pipe                                

5). Quick change connection          

6). Water return pipe                           

7). Install grips tool                                      

8). Seal ring                                      

9) The control parameters (pressure time, accuracy)can be input from the micro-control unit at the testing machine or from computer. 

10).The machine and the computer can separately or simultaneously display the time (Max.9999hours 59 minutes 59 seconds)and the pressure(three figures after the point)and eight testing condition(Pressure up, pressure down , over pressure ,pressure compensate, running, end, leakage and exploding ).When the pressure overload, end, leakage and explode take place simultaneously, there is light and voice alarm.

11). The machine has the following function : observe, analysis, inquire, save, print, testing curve(pressure-time)and starting time, setting time, current time, valid time, invalid time, remaining time, over pressure time, pressure compensating time and etc.