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Misunderstandings during the operation of the hammer testing machine calibration device, remember!

2024-12-30 14:29 havePeople browsing 小编

The calibration device for drop hammer testing machines includes various testing machines such as non-metallic drop hammer impact testing machines, metal drop hammer impact testing machines, ball drop impact testing machines, dart drop impact testing machines, and luggage impact testing machines. However, there is currently no calibration method for these testing machines that involve energy measurement in China. The drop hammer impact testing machines used in the laboratory include coating impact tester and drop hammer tear testing machine. The coating impact tester is used to determine the ability of the colored coated steel plate coating to resist cracking or detachment during rapid deformation, including the specified impact energy test and the impact that does not cause cracking or detachment of the coating. These two tests should ensure the accuracy of the potential energy of the coating ball impact tester.

The calibration device of the drop hammer testing machine is to use a drop hammer of a certain height to punch a sample in a simple support state at once, measure and evaluate the percentage of shear area on the fracture surface of the punched sample. This test first needs to ensure that the sample is punched by the drop hammer at once. Based on the principle of the application test of the drop hammer impact testing machine and the important factors affecting the test results, the self calibration and verification method of the drop hammer impact test was explored.

Misconceptions in the operation of the calibration device for the drop hammer testing machine:

1. During equipment operation, the operator leaves.

During the experiment, the operator needs to constantly observe the displayed value of the lifting height. If there is a displacement testing device rope breakage or rope detachment from the track, the displayed value of the lifting height will remain unchanged, and the lifting device will continue to lift. The operator should immediately stop the equipment.

2. After each experiment, the lifting device was not lowered.

After the experiment is completed, the lifting device should be lowered to avoid misoperation in the next experiment.

After the experiment is completed, do not turn off the power of the equipment.